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Barbara Ward Children’s Foundation

UK and overseas
Maint y Grant:
Up to £15,000
The BWCF focuses its support on financially healthy children's charities where funding is not forthcoming from statutory bodies, where incomes and fund balances are constantly put to good use and where administration overheads are kept to a minimum. We welcome all applications that fit these simple criteria.

A grant making charity making grants in the United Kingdom and worldwide for the benefit of children who are seriously or terminally ill, underprivileged, disadvantaged or have special needs. The grants made can range from one-off grants to
project-related grants that run for two or more years.

Project Location

UK and overseas grants made to overseas projects include Barbados, Belarus, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Kosovo, Malawi, Nepal, Peru, the Philippines, Romania, Russia, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine and Zambia.