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The Headley Trust

UK, Anglophone Africa and South-Eastern Europe
Maint y Grant:
Registered charities and charitable organisations with clearly defined charitable purposes may apply. Priority will be given to locally led organisations employing local experts.

Outside of its UK focus, the Trust also supports Development projects that focus on: Education and employment interventions for women and girls; Water, sanitation and hygiene and community health programmes in the poorest anglophone countries in Africa; Priority will be given to locally led organisations employing local experts. It also have an overseas Arts & Heritage funding stream which focuses on: Conservation and recording of heritage; Programmes that build the capacity of the cultural heritage sector and engage young people in their heritage.


Anglophone Africa for Development Projects and South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia) for its Arts & Heritage programme

Grants size

In 2022 £3m of grants were approved, of which £316,500 was granted to overseas development projects and £82,500 to overseas Arts & Heritage projects.