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The Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust

UK and overseas
Maint y Grant:
Applications to the Trust can only be made by UK registered charities. Grants to charities will be on a matching funding basis only so that if the applicant has raised 50% of their budget the Trustees will consider awarding matching funding up to a maximum of 50%. However, if the applicant has raised less than 50% of their budget the Trustees will only consider awarding a maximum of 30% funding.

The Trust primarily funds projects which support the Trust’s interests of education, international friendship and understanding, and the promotion of world peace,  development and reducing poverty in developing countries.

Grant size

Trustees review applications for funding requests up to £50,000 on a monthly basis. If you wish to apply for funding of more than £50,000 then your application will be considered at the next bi-annual meeting of Trustees which usually take place around March and September.