< Cyfleoedd Cyllido Amrywiaeth a ChynhwysiantMasnach DegFfyddCydraddoldeb Ehywedd a Grymuso MenywodIechydHawliau DynolDysgu Gydol OesBywoliaethau CynaliadwyDŵr, Glanweithdra a Hylendid Cyfle Ariannu

Heb Ffin

Wales and Africa
Maint y Grant:
£1,000 - £5,000
Applications for funding are invited from organisations which are working to help those in need and promote Christianity mainly in Wales and Africa.

Assists individuals and small charities to alleviate poverty and promote Christianity.

Focuses on the Advancement of the Christian religion, Relief of Poverty in the UK – particular emphasis on Welsh projects in which the Christian faith is being manifested through practical action to help those in homelessness, drug dependency, ex-offenders, trafficked or sexually exploited people.

The Relief of Poverty in Africa – particularly Christian initiatives involving:

  • Projects to improve health or address health issues
  • education of children and professional education
  • support for micro-businesses to encourage self sustaining communities.